January 24, 2015

The Chronicles of Dog

Hey everybody! Long while no talk. That's probably because I've pretty much  had nothing better to do than watch snow melting (it happens surprisingly fast - trust me) and chase after my dog, Caline. And then, something exciting happened when I realized that I haven't yet introduced her to you.
She's a lab/beagle/greyhound/nobody really knows mix, and she's very passionate about ingesting snow.

January 17, 2015

Golden Nights

I came to New York to see what I could see - that's from a children's book, isn't it? - and to find the living part. (Edie Sedgwick)

Photo credits for these are at the very bottom of the post! :)

January 12, 2015

Describing Color


How do you describe color to someone who has never seen before? I never thought about something like that until I went outside, and to my shock, the weather was matching my snowflake pantoufles (house slippers). Everything was either white or black. I spent the day outside and my camera almost risked water damage, but I think it was worth it! (I also felt very clever and all that because I posted these on Instagram with the #somewherexelseinthewinter, the kind of thing that all the major, professional bloggers do!)
How do you describe the stillness of snow, or the way that it crunches under your feet to someone who has never heard before? 
I'm currently wondering if in Australia, 'summer vacation' is actually during the December-January months, since the seasons are the opposite in Australia of what they are here. I'd love for any of you from Australia to tell me! 

In any case, this was the shortest winter ever. The snow melted and the fresh, lovely cold flew away already.

January 3, 2015

The Pineapple Days

I can't believe that it's 2015 already. The year does feel different - there is something fresh and exciting about throwing 2014 and my old calendar in the trash can under my desk, and opening clean new one. Hi, 2015!

One year is made up of 31,556,926 seconds- and I'm planning to make every one of these seconds count! Here are my resolutions for the year, probably to be thought of again only on December 31...

1. Ask more questions.
2. Get much more organized. Maybe clean my room...
3. Become a morning person.
4. Practice piano and cello.
5. Do something really well.

Here's a mixed tape for the start of 2015! I cannot get Deezy Daisy's refrain out of my head- "Let's dance, deezy daisy!" (And there we go again)